Week 1 - Make A Plan

National Preparedness Month (NPM) is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”
Week 1 September 1-7: Make A Plan
Talk to your friends and family about how you will communicate before, during, and after a disaster.
1. How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
KFPD has an assortment of communication tools to keep you informed. It is important to understand that every item below provides a service that another item doesn't. A publication titled Wildfire Preparedness Workbook is being mailed to Kensington residents. This publication has a Communication Toolkit that details the benefits of these platforms.
- Register for Contra Costa County Communication Warning System alerts.
- Download Everbridge Nixle App
- Opt-in for text notifications by texting your zip code to 888777.
- Register your contact information with PG&E.
- Supplement your information by following KFPD on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor.
- Subscribe to KFPD to receive email notifications by emailing: fire@kensingtonfire.org.
2. What is my shelter plan?
Do you have access to a safe place where you can go for an extended period (either with a friend or family member)?
Have you decided that staying in a hotel or Airbnb is your preferred option?
Thinking about your shelter plan before an emergency can help reduce stress during a difficult time.
Make a plan for where you will stay during an emergency. Make sure your plan suits your personal needs, your family, and your pets.
3. What is my evacuation route?
How are you going to know when to evacuate? Have you registered for the county Community Warning System? Have you registered for the communication tools listed above in Section 1? Knowing when to go is part of the evacuation.
Make sure you know multiple routes to safety from your home. Did you know there are evacuation signs at Arlington Avenue at Sunset Road that direct evacuation traffic through the Sunset View Cemetery?
A publication with evacuation information is being mailed to all Kensington residents soon. Make sure you register for KFPD emails by sending a request to: fire@kensingtonfire.org.