Rodney Paul

Rodney Paul has lived with his wife Sarah near the Colusa Circle since 1998. He has worked with nearby residents to give input on development projects on the Circle. Since 2016, Rodney has worked with the Kensington Pathkeepers to achieve public ownership of the Kensington paths, which have lacked a formal maintenance plan since their creation in 1910.
Rodney has been active in the K6 CERT group and participates in their regular radio drills. He has also led efforts to use Map Your Neighborhood to compile information on properties on his street that could be used in disaster recovery efforts.
After a 30 year career as a software engineer, Rodney reinvented himself in 2015 as a guide, leading walking tours of the Haight-Ashbury, Oracle Park, the Salesforce Transit Center as well as the Kensington Paths and sites in North Berkeley. He enjoys public speaking, and has presented on Summer of Love music topics at numerous libraries around CA. He also has been a guide for SFMOMA and since 2020 has hosted a bi-monthly program called Art Viewing Adventures that focuses on local artists and nearby museum exhibitions.
An avid bicyclist, Rodney rode across the United States in 1993. He tries to do most of his local transportation these days by bike, public transit and on foot.