Lake Drive
Lake Drive
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Approx Attendees: 40+
Party Type: Breakfast Coffee & Pastry Potluck / Outdoor, Front Yard
CERT Area: 1
Neighborhood Preparedness Initiatives:
- A list is managed and kept with resident names and contact information by a neighbor. Community members add and update their contact information annually.
- Wildcat Watch is the name of a group of neighborhood volunteers whose goal is provide early detection of a wildfire in Wildcat Canyon during the most risky periods (red flag warning, nighttime, strong north-to-east winds) by monitoring the ALERT Wildfire cameras in the region using neighborhood volunteers.
- A community-based voice messaging system called Phonevite is being established.
Kensington Fire Protection District Presentation:
- Kensington Wildfire Preparedness Workbook Distributed
- CWS Registration
- CWS Contact Card Downloaded to Mobile Devices
- Nixle Notification Subscription
- Kensington Fire Protection District Red Flag Email Notification Subscription
Topics and Concerns Discussed:
- Red Flag Warning & Parking Changes
- Vegetation Removal
- Home Hardening
- Evacuation Preparedness
- Undergrounding PG&E Lines
- Home Insurance Cancellations
- Grant funds for vegetation reduction
- Wildfire Watch Cameras
- Pursuing Firewise Community Recognition