Apply to the Emergency Preparedness Committee

The Kensington Fire Protection District is accepting applications to its Emergency Preparedness Committee. This committee needs coordinators to assist with (1) recommendations for allocations of effort and funding of initiatives to make Kensington safer from potential civic emergencies, using a multi-hazard approach; (2) identifying opportunities for articulation with community members and other agencies to reduce risk and enhance evacuation procedures and public safety; (3) development of public education initiatives to accomplish the first two goals; (4) articulation with the KPPCSD as well as other Local, County, and State agencies previous goal. Examples of activities: developing FireSafe communities, promoting CERT training and emergency awareness, researching alert systems and working with neighboring agencies.
Applications can be downloaded here:
20240131 Emergency Preparedness Committee Application.pdfBoard Policy on Committees:
Policy 1140 Committees of the Board of Directors (amended 5.8.2019).pdfMembers of the Committee are subject to the Conflict of Interest Policy:
Policy 1040 Conflict of Interest (Amended 2020).pdf
Email completed application to Applications are being considered on a rolling basis.