Kensington Public Safety Council Program - What You Can and Should Not Expect in a Disaster
WILDFIRE / EARTHQUAKE.... "What you can & should not expect".
In the time of a disaster things happen fast and you should be as well informed and prepared as possible in order to help insure you safety and survival. This is especially true in light of PG&E's recent announcement of possible power outages of extended duration.
On Saturday, June 29th at the Arlington Community Church at 52 Arlington Ave., Kensington from 10am - 12 noon the Kensington Public Safety Council (KPSC) will be hosting a Presentation to help you better understand what you may be facing and having to deal with on your own in a disaster.
To help explain what you can and CAN NOT expect we will have as Guest Speakers, Interim Chief of Police Ricky Hull, Fire Marshal Dave Gibson, Rex Delizo, Stege Sanitary District, Mona Favorite-Hill, Spokesperson for EBMUD and Pamela Perdue, Senior Public Safety Specialist, PG&E.
Also on hand will be CERT members to aid you in gathering the info you will need and preparation ideas.
We will have 55 gallon water storage drums and "TO GO BAGS", on display and you can order them at the Presentation.
Please rsvp to so that we may have an idea how many will be attending.
This event is FREE...…...OPEN to ALL...….and..ALL ARE WELCOME
bring your friends, neighbors & questions